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Mark Probert

·6 min read

How is Robotic Process Automation changing the way we work?

A hand reaching towards a holographic interface with the acronym 'RPA' prominently displayed in the center. The background features a digital, futuristic design with various circuit patterns and glowing elements, symbolizing technology and automation

Robotic Process Automation - RPA for short - has become increasingly common in today’s working world. The potential applications of RPA technology are so wide-ranging that it is set to transform the ways in which many sectors of our economy operate, from marine and energy to healthcare and finance.

But what is Robotic Process Automation?

Defining Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation is, as the name suggests, a form of automation in which software bots are instructed to complete repetitive tasks that would otherwise be performed by people. It’s a big step forward from the traditional automation you’ll already be

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