You dream it, we build it
Need an engaging mobile application? Or an automated business process? Looking for a data management system with visualisations? Or if you're having trouble identifying which solution you need, we can help with that too.
In a perfect world, how would it work? This philosophy drives us to transform your visions into innovative realities.
We've worked with companies of every shape and size to develop software solutions that meet their unique needs and solve difficult business and technology challenges.
Whether you're creating a market-disrupting app or a powerful business intelligence tool, you'll be secure in the knowledge that your project is in safe hands.
If you've started a project already with another software company and it needs rescuing, we're the software company to come to. We've saved many projects that were destined for failure and turned them into a resounding success.
Your trusted software development partner
Newicon is a collection of technology enthusiasts that invent the cutting edge. We have not yet encountered a challenge that was not possible. Technology is rarely the limitation! We aim to be your secret weapon in delivering technology that provides more value for your customers, whilst doing it more efficiently.
Want to know how AI and machine learning could benefit your business? Talk to us today!
The world is changing - borders between our reality and digital reality are blurring!
How we save and store data has completely changed. Don't get left behind, ask about cloud computing.
With edge computing, we can reduce latency and bandwidth use; bringing data closer to you.
Newicon is based in Bristol, UK. We also have remote teams. But we are born and bred in Bristol and have our software and design studio in the heart of Bristol city centre. While geography is great and we love face to face meetings we have also worked and travelled to see clients in France, Switzerland and USA and more. The digital world knows no bounds.
Software consultancy is a service that we offer you to help you get the best out of your software project.
We use our software expertise to consult with you on the best ways forward. We offer consultancy throughout our process. Our team can help with technical aspects of a solution, from migrating into the cloud or scaling the technology. We can also help with developer best practice and solution handovers. Example areas software consultancy can help with are:
If you have an idea contact us by our online form, e-mail or phone. You can also book a meeting with one of our team members.
We will set up a meeting. It's good to have as much information ready as possible about your idea.
On the initial call we will try to get a feel for the project and give a ROM - a (rough order of magnitude) costing - this is just a guess within a range that feels reasonable based on the technical complexity of your idea, from building a brochure website to building the next Facebook or Google!
This really depends on the audience you are targeting and what your app does. Typically mobile apps need to talk to a server or a web app in order to process user logins or preferences and so there is often a server and web app component.
In a perfect world you want your app to work on any preferred platform the user has. Whether they are on their phone, in the browser, on their desktop computer, iPad or on their smart TV.
Modern apps today like Slack, and Microsoft teams use Electron.js which is a Node.js (Javascript) tool that enables a web app to run on the desktop as a separate application.
The application can then work well on both a website in the users browser or on the desktop through a downloadable application.
A similar technique using Cordova or iconic can then also package an application to deliver across smart phone devices.
These are then available for download in the various app stores. Progressive web apps also exist that are designed o function in a similar way to mobile apps, once installed they can also be indistinguishable from a native application however it's not possible to install them through an app store.
This can be both a blessing and a curse depending on your particular use case.
We consider our role to be educational. There is no "computer says no" here. There is usually a natural knowledge divide and our job is to bring our software development knowledge and apply that to your unique situation.
We must also use your expertise in order to make the solution the best it can be. We have worked with complete technophobes to other software development experts. When there is nothing physical we develop a visual language in the form of a clickable prototype - everyone can collaborate on this and share expertise.
Then during the project development progress is measured with working testable software in line with the agile software principles. This allows for all people from diverse background to understand and collaborate on the project.
Scalability depends on the particular solution. You can achieve scalability in many ways using many techniques.
We use state of the art hosting across a range of providers. From AWS to Digital Ocean. We have also scaled hardware solutions using Raspberry Pi.
We are able to scale software applications vertically and horizontally. A cloud system that scales horizontally automatically creates new servers and computing power to cope with fluctuating demand.
A vertical scaling system typically has fewer servers and scales by increasing the hardware capacity.
Both options are valid and make sense depending on the scale. Horizontally scaling solutions increase the potential for downtime as each new server can fail and therefore requires load balancing, also it can cost more.
However, ultimately to achieve massive scale you will need a multi-server horizontal scale approach.
This is an area that is exploding in options at the moment with Amazon with AWS, Google and Microsoft with Azure and IBM all entering the market with custom solutions. Whilst some solutions aid rapid initial development and scale the costs of such services also scale and often sometimes not linearly! It can also be very challenging to understand what your monthly hosting charges will be.
It is also important to know where your data is stored. If third party services are used in an effort to rapidly enter the market it's important to also consider a failover plan and not get locked in to any one provider.
Newicon has always championed open source technologies. Open source operating systems and programming languages dominate the cloud internet space. We work with you and factor in the project's specifics to develop a sensible scaling plan.
Whilst we are technology agnostic when taking on projects we have key technologies that serve us well.
Typically these are Node.js (Javascript) and PHP and MySQL or MariaDB is our database workhorse.
Often there is a confusion between frameworks and core programming languages as the frameworks can sometimes be more popular.
For Javascript we prefer to use Vue.js as a framework but we also have projects we maintain based on react, backbone, jQuery and vanilla Javascript.
For PHP we typically use a collection of open source packages or Yii or Laravel
Then there are applications built on the same technologies (PHP, Javascript, MySQL) such as WordPress and Magento.
As we specialise in understanding the core technologies that everything else is built upon we can easily support a wide range of applications built on them. For mobile development we typically use Cordova or Ionic with Vue.js this enables us to build mobile applications using web technology and limit the impact from vendor specific changes.
To be technology agnostic means we go into each new challenge with an open mind and don't shy away from projects because they may have sections written in different languages.
Software best practices are applicable to all software no matter the language used. Because Newicon builds lots of new software projects that must integrate seamlessly with legacy systems we encounter many legacy platforms and technologies too, sometimes these are completely bespoke and built by developers several decades ago.
The Newicon team is a collection of problem solvers first. We hire people that can solve problems and love to learn.
All computer languages are built on the principles of computers. No language can change that and often it's just a matter of syntax.
Syntax is something that can be easily learnt if you understand the fundamentals of computing.
We believe this so strongly that we have created an academy to try and teach these principles!
For new technologies we have not used there might be a lead time for us to learn and understand how it works, this lead time is considered in our proposals and often not charged to our customers.
Newicon is confident in a wide range of open source software technologies, Newicon’s software developers are expert problem solvers and comfortable with both traditional and new solutions to solve highly unique business challenges. The important thing is that we choose the right technology for your specific problem and business objectives. We can analyse the pros and cons of various technical approaches and manage the risks each technology provides.
The typical deliverables is a working app and the source code. This will also include the logins to various services you need. We do provide technical support and hosting services should your application need it, but you have full access to the source code and any assets needed - its yours to do with as you want.
We have helped people take on internal teams and onboard them with code we have developed. We have also taken on projects from companies that have an overworked internal team.
We break most software projects into two major phases - an architecture design phase and a software development phase.
Our software development phase further breaks the project down into small units of work called sprints.
Each sprint delivers a testable working subset of the final project that can be tested by everyone involved.
Feedback at these stages is welcomed. We have written a more detailed guide on our software development process that can be read here
During our design architecture phase we develop complete working high fidelity clickable prototypes that feel as close to the finished app as possible.
We break all projects down into small deliverable chunks of working software that can be tested throughout the process.
Looking to utilise digital technology to streamline your operations or launch new products and services? Contact our digital strategy director, Mark, for a free consultation call.
See what our client's say about us
Each meeting brought real progress and meaningful change, and the team dynamic was warm, collaborative, and easy to work with.
From the very first interaction, New Icon stood out. Their combination of clear, concise documentation and an explanatory video was genius—it gave us immediate clarity and confidence. The Discovery process, especially the Agile Architecture, felt like a genuine offer to help, not a hard sell. Each meeting brought real progress and meaningful change, and the team dynamic was warm, collaborative, and easy to work with. The use of Figma to showcase their design-led approach was impressive, and the achievable PoC cost made things feel within reach. One of the biggest wins? We retained the IP. That was huge. New Icon didn’t just understand our problems, they explained them back to us better than we could ourselves. That alone gave us massive trust in the team and the process. "
New lcon’s deliverables have exceeded our expectations.
We would like to thank the New Icon team for the work accomplished. OnePRESS will be the first wireless safety critical opportunity that will use a mobile application to go to an In-Service Evaluation with Airbus airline customers. As such, there was no precedent for the Landing Gear Design Office to start from. Newicon quickly understood that their expertise could complement our capability to compile design documentation and adapted their process to suit our needs. New lcon’s deliverables have exceeded our expectations. "
Newicon understood our needs, ensuring solutions were current and future-proofed
Ethicall have worked with Newicon for approximately 10 years. During this time Newicon have worked with us on various projects, but predominantly they have helped us design and build a bespoke telephone fundraising software system which encompasses all the nuanced and niche elements of our business. They really took the time to understand what we needed as a fundraising call centre and then constantly revisited this with us to ensure it was still fit for purpose and future proof. The engineers working on the project have always been mindful of building in stages with regular testing and approval from users – they are also able to communicate in non-technical speak – which is always useful for those of us not from a technical background. Newicon’s recent introduction of project managers has enhanced their services further. "
Newicon consistently exceeds expectations, driving innovation as a seamless extension of our business.
Newicon’s ability to over deliver against our expectations and to help drive our innovation has made them an extension of our own business. The team are excellent to work with, and their passion for our business competes with our own. I would recommend Newicon for both your development and design needs. "
You’ve understood the project quicker and got further with the design in 3 weeks than our previous company did in a year.
I’m very impressed with how you’ve interpreted the brief and interviews!
You have captured the use case and functionality really well. "
You've done an amazing job of taking our concept and actualising it into something much more real!
This process has cemented our concepts into requirements, plans and something much easier to step forward with, both internally and as something we can tell the story to others. We've been particularly impressed with how you've taken a fairly niche topic and run with detailed concepts and clearly understood what we are aiming for! "
We're miles ahead of where I expected us to be at this stage, and we've all really appreciated the effort you've put in.
Everyone is really, really happy and pleased with what you've put together, blown away! We love the simplicity of the prototype. "
The project is well thought through, smartly taking into account every little request we had. Which is amazing, I love that!
I've been using the prototype to pitch the idea with potential clients and the feedback has been really good so far. "
We really love the overall look of this
It's a very clean simple interface which still clearly conveys a lot of really important information, so thank you! "
Very happy with the end results and designs for the new features
New Icons redesigns brought the app layout up to date which was amazing to implement over the last year alongside integrating new products into the app. Meeting face-to-face meant that New Icon could properly understand the requirements and turn them into fully functional designs that added to the overall user experience. Very happy with the end results and designs for the new features. "
Newicon is an exemplar of innovation and freethinking.
Newicon's ideas have pioneered mobile software development within my department. Their solutions are innovative and effective producing results above original expectations. "
Newicon took the time to fully understand our requirements, and the clickable prototype really helped shape our thinking.
It has been a pleasure collaborating with Newicon on this project. Their commitment, attention to detail and passion for their work has enabled us to produce a quality app and seek further investment. Newicon took the time to fully understand our requirements, and the clickable prototype really helped shape our thinking and produced an intuitive UX, whilst also de-risking the development phase. "
Newicon achieved a 35% increase in business. Newicon really understood what we wanted to achieve.
Very commercially aware and versatile software agency - and a great team to boot!
Newicon give us creative input and state of the art technology
Newicon have helped steer our business in directions we had not even considered. "
Newicon are a great company, they are passionate and always provide a second to none service.
From the design stages through to the technical implementation they understand our requirements as a company. We would highly recommend Newicon to anyone who is looking for a friendly, efficient and professional web and software design company. "
If you need bespoke technology, I highly recommend Newicon.
By working with us to build our platform, they helped lay the foundation for our success. Not only did they develop the software; their process also included UX design and prototyping, ensuring that our final product was user-friendly, secure and powerful. If you need bespoke technology to get your start-up into business, I highly recommend Newicon to deliver it for you. "
Send us a message for more information about how we can help you and your business