Meet Zoe, our new Senior Project Manager

We have yet another fantastic addition to our growing team. Zoe Reinhardt is joining us as an experienced Senior Project Manager. Zoe will bring invaluable expertise, leadership, and strategic thinking to all of our projects.

Unknown An unknown role
·2 min read (440 words)

We are delighted to welcome Zoe Reinhardt, Senior Project Manager to our expanding team. Zoe has extensive experience managing complex digital projects across an array of sectors.

Zoe will ensure our experienced team of designers and developers align with clients objectives, driving long-term success and absolute satisfaction in project outcomes. It is an incredibly exciting time to come on board and join our expanding team and we are all very much looking forward to working alongside Zoe.

Want to find out more about what makes her tick… Read her interesting facts and answers to our new starter questions here:

What’s your working background, and how did you come to work for Newicon?

I have spent the last 7 years working in web development, this has been both client and agency positions. My roles have ranged across client services, project management and product manager. I became a certified Scrum Master which cemented my career and passion for project management. I have previously worked at another creative agency with Lucy so I was certain that Newicon would be a great place to work! 

Describe your job to a six-year-old.

Imagine we are baking a cake, I would be weighing the ingredients and asking you to mix them together and making sure we make the most delicious cake we can together. 

What are you looking forward to working on the most?

Embedding internal frameworks and watching our success grow as the business scales. Ensuring we have successful frameworks will set us and our clients up for success. 

What excites you most about the future of web development?

Further development and incorporation of accessibility features and requirements in both web and apps that ensure all users get the same experience. 

What tech breakthroughs do you think we’ll be seeing in the next ten years? 

Personalised medicine, which would make it possible to have medicine that is significantly more effective to match our genetics. 

What do you like doing outside of work, any unusual hobbies?

I love to play netball, I wish I had Bernard’s watch so I could pause time and play more!  

Favorite film/TV show/podcast?

Film: Too tricky to choose but I could rewatch the first Star Wars Trilogy until the end of time

TV Show: Westworld - Season 1 (What door?!) 

Podcast: Parenting Hell

 What book should everyone read? 

Surrounded by idiots

At Newicon we listen to a lot of music and make far too many playlists. What are your go-to songs and/or artists?

I would always recommend some terribly cheesy 90’s girl band vs boy band playlists. 

Share a meme that sums up you or your job…


Draw yourself!


If you'd like to get your next digital project off the ground get in touch today!

Unknown An unknown role at Newicon

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