Inyoni Bay CIC — getting animated about digital marketing

Digital marketing has always been an important part of our software and web development services. And as we’ve grown as a business, so has our digital marketing offering. Now our digital marketing offering is set to grow again, and it’s something we’re extremely excited to be involved with — animated video content. Inyoni Bay We’ve […]

Mark Probert Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)
·3 min read (679 words)

Digital marketing has always been an important part of our software and web development services. And as we’ve grown as a business, so has our digital marketing offering.

Now our digital marketing offering is set to grow again, and it’s something we’re extremely excited to be involved with — animated video content.

Inyoni Bay

We’ve partnered with new social enterprise, Inyoni Bay, a Community Interest Company (CIC), to offer our clients high-quality animated video, at an affordable price.

Not only does Inyoni Bay CIC produce fantastic, professionally animated video, it also supports a great cause — helping young people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) to train as animators, prepare them for the world of work, and employ this chronically underserved community.

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons this partnership has us so excited.   

Effective engagement

Animated video is an effective way to engage your customers and take your marketing to the next level. Don’t just take our word for it; the stats speak for themselves:

Why is animated content such a powerful marketing tool?

Thanks to our partnership with Inyoni Bay CIC, we’re excited to be able to include animated video as part of our digital marketing strategies.

About Inyoni Bay CIC

Where it started

Inyoni Bay CIC was founded by Paul and Joanna Phillips in may 2018 as a direct result of their son’s ASD diagnosis. On researching what the future held for their son, Bayden (now 9), Paul and Joanna realised that discrimination was a heartbreaking reality and that adults with ASD faced an 85% unemployment rate.

As a result, many people with ASD suffer from isolation and mental health issues.

Inyoni Bay CIC was the solution.

Discovering that many people with ASD have an innate talent for the concentration and focus required for animation, Paul and Joanna decided to build an organisation to help. Inyoni Bay CIC would offer people with ASD the opportunity to train with professionals and gain the skills necessary to thrive in employment as animators.

How it works

By combining a professional animation studio with a learning institution, Inyoni Bay CIC now inhabits a unique space in the industry.

It’s two-year, full-time, vocational programme trains students in visual effects, digital animation, motion graphics and work readiness. In their second year, students gain work experience by working side-by-side with the professional animators in the studio on real-life client projects.

The result

As a result of this unique programme, young people with ASD have the opportunity to prepare themselves for employment as successful animators — whether that’s freelance, working for an agency/animation studio, or even working as a professional animator at Inyoni Bay CIC.   

What this means for your digital marketing

We’re thrilled to offer our clients a way to not only improve their digital marketing but also to offer genuine help to a group in society who all too often get left behind.

Animated video is a proven way to boost the ROI of your digital marketing. It’s a great way to communicate complex value propositions, it’s often cheaper than live video and it grabs your audience’s attention. Plus, 79% of consumers said they’ve made a purchase after watching a brand’s video.  

You can find out more about what Inyoni Bay CIC does by taking a look at its website.  

And if you’d like to have a chat about what animated video could do for your digital marketing efforts, then get in touch and ask for Mark.

Mark Probert Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) at Newicon

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