Future Thinking Episode 7 - Tips on getting grant money for innovation projects (and more!)

A quick introduction to episode 7 of Future Thinking from Newicon, featuring special guest Huw Robson, Innovation Director at The Product Partnership. This episode is backed with advice and tips for those looking to bake innovation into their business.

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·1 min read (204 words)
Podcast episode image for episode 7 of Future Thinking from Newicon with special guest Huw Robson

This month’s Future Thinking podcast features a very special guest - Huw 

Robson, Innovation Director at the Product Partnership. 

We’ve know Huw for a while now, as Newicon recently became a member of the Product Partnership. Since we met, we’ve known that we had to get Huw on the podcast. He’s immensely knowledgeable and experienced in the field of product development and innovation, and that’s exactly the kind of knowledge that we want to share on the podcast!

We sat down with Huw and talked about his experience in helping businesses across the South West to find creative solutions to their challenges. And not only that but also create those solutions using the expertise found in the four Product Partnership companies - Realise, Cubik, Amalgam and Newicon.

Huw shared plenty of great advice on how to improve your process for innovation, as well as some fantastic tips for anyone looking to apply for funding from organisations like Innovate UK. Huw has a lot of experience working on the judging panels for these grants, so he really knows what he’s talking about!

You can listen to the podcast using the player below, and you can subscribe to hear past and future episodes by heading over to the Future Thinking site.

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