The AI statistics you should know about

In this week's blog, we'll be taking a look at a number of powerful AI statistics to find out more about AI's growth and adoption.

Maddie Zapletal Technical Writer
·5 min read (1278 words)

Should governments do more to protect our jobs? Which country offers the most AI products and services? Do people even know when they’re using AI in their day-to-day lives?

We’ve spoken extensively about AI in our articles on the impact of AGI and Human Vs AI: How to stay in a job. But, this time, we want to take a closer look at what the data is telling us.

It’s time to do some number crunching. 

This week, we’ll be revealing a selection of powerful AI statistics so that you can find out more about AI’s growth and adoption rates.

To make things a little more interesting, we’ll also be checking out some public opinion stats and comparing them with the views of our tech team here at Newicon.

Let’s get stuck in. 

The AI industry is booming


According to the government website, the AI sector in the UK is flourishing, with a workforce of more than 50,000 individuals

How has this helped to drive economic progress?

The data tells us that, in 2022 alone, the AI sector contributed a staggering £3.7 billion to the UK economy. 

From startups revolutionising entire industries to established companies embracing AI to stay ahead of the curve, the impact is undeniable!

The UK holds AI dominance while Europe trails behind


Are we paving the way for AI innovation?

Apparently so… 

In the same bulletin from the Government’s Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, it was suggested that the UK is a front-runner when it comes to AI development. 

According to their research, Britain happens to have twice the number of companies providing AI products and services than Europe

The voice command reigns supreme 


Research conducted by US software company, IDAP, has suggested that mobile voice commands are now commonplace. Their findings show that approximately 97% of mobile phone users are using AI for voice commands

While IDAP hasn’t delved deeper into why people are doing this, we know that voice commands increase convenience for users and provide better accessibility for those with visual or motor impairments

AI’s unseen influence


Do we really know when we’re using AI?

Perhaps not.

In an article published by the Office For National Statistics, it was reported that only 1 in 6 adults actually recognise when they are using AI

So, who’s most likely to know when they’re using it?

According to the article, it was found that men, degree-level educated individuals (or equivalent), Gen Z, and some Millennials were those most likely to be aware of when they were using AI. 

Those not in these categories were simply none the wiser…

A marketer’s secret weapon


Are you thinking about using AI to support your marketing strategy?

A survey conducted by Influencer Marketing Hub suggests that marketers have been pretty quick to adopt AI with over 60% of marketers reporting that they use AI for marketing activities

So, what’s stopping other marketers from adopting it?

According to the research, cost and limited understanding were two of the biggest reasons why marketers chose to avoid AI.

The AI market shows no signs of slowing down 


A market analysis report from Grand View Research suggests that the AI market is poised for significant exponential growth over the course of this decade.

What will this look like?

In Grand View’s report, they forecasted a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 37.3% for the AI market between 2023 to 2030

To put this into perspective, let’s compare this growth rate with that of another rapidly expanding market – the pharmaceutical industry.

The global pharmaceutical market was forecasted to achieve a CAGR of 7.63% from 2023 to 2030. This indicates that the AI market is expected to experience a growth rate approximately five times higher!

What do tech professionals think about AI?

Our next batch of statistics was presented to the Newicon team to get a tech perspective on things.

Do designers and developers see things differently? 

We asked 16 Iconeers for their thoughts on the following topics… 

Government Responsibility


Does the government need to step up in the age of AI?

According to a poll conducted by PublicFirst involving 2,000 adults in the UK, 57% of people feel that the Government should put measures in place to prevent AI from taking our jobs. 

So, what do the Newicon team think? 

After asking our team whether they agreed with this statement, we got some interesting feedback!

The results were as follows:

50% said no 

37.5% said yes

12.5% said they had no strong opinion either way

AI’s professional decision-making capabilities 


Would you trust AI to make an important decision about your health?

A 2022 survey led by the Ada Lovelace Institute involving 4,000 participants, showed that some people aren’t so sure about AI’s professional decision-making capabilities. 

When questioned about AI for cancer detection, 56% of participants expressed concern that we may start relying too heavily on AI technology rather than on professional judgements. 

We asked our Iconeers if they felt the same. Here’s what we found:

56.3% said no 

31.3% said yes - it is a concern

12.5% said they weren’t sure

AI Optimism


When it comes to the public’s AI optimism, the results of this poll don’t look all that promising.

According to YouGov, only 16% of people feel optimistic about the impact of AI.

So, do our tech team feel optimistic?

62.5% said yes

The remaining 37.5% said they were on the fence

Nobody gave us a straight no!

Autonomous vehicles


For our final statistic, we took a look at opinions on self-driving cars. 

For this one, it appears that our answers weren’t that dissimilar to those provided by the public… 

A study from The Institution of Mechanical Engineers found that 49% of adults would feel comfortable in the driving seat of an autonomous vehicle using the full self-driving capability provided it could also be used like a conventional vehicle.

After asking our team if they too would feel comfortable, this is what they said: 

50% said yes - they’d be comfortable 

25% said no 

The remaining 25% said maybe

What we can learn from AI statistics going forward

As we’ve illustrated, opinions on AI vary greatly depending on who is being asked. Many of the topics that were seen as concerns for the general public were much less of a worry for our Newicon team – and we work closely with this technology every single day!

Despite this, it’s important for us to maintain a balanced perspective. If we were to dismiss public opinion, we’d be isolating the very people who will be (and are likely to already) be interacting with AI on a daily basis… even if they don’t realise it yet.

As AI progresses, we have a responsibility to educate and empower people about its potential benefits, while addressing common misconceptions that paint it in a negative light within society.

It’s clear that many view AI with apprehension, seeing it as a threat to job security and personal privacy. Yet, beneath this surface scepticism lies a trove of untapped potential. 

From streamlining mundane tasks to reshaping entire sectors, AI stands poised to revolutionise our world. And this transformative promise hasn't gone unnoticed. It’s been recognised by an increasing cadre of individuals and organisations who can see AI's game-changing capabilities and want to invest in it.

Let’s start a conversation about AI

Whether you’re a total sceptic or a fervent advocate, if you’ve got an interest in AI, we’d love to hear from you. Share your thoughts with us on social media to get the conversation started!

Want to incorporate AI into your project? Give us a call on 0117 205 0425 and let’s get the ball rolling!


Maddie Zapletal Technical Writer at Newicon

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