7 Ways To Improve Your Website Conversions

Is your website converting as well as you’d like it to? Our guess is, that if you are here reading this blog, your website could potentially be working harder for you. In order to get conversions, you first need a steady amount of leads coming through from your website. However, in many cases, websites fall […]

Richard O'Brien Head of Digital
·3 min read (877 words)

Is your website converting as well as you’d like it to? Our guess is, that if you are here reading this blog, your website could potentially be working harder for you.

In order to get conversions, you first need a steady amount of leads coming through from your website.

However, in many cases, websites fall behind — and often for the same reasons.

Some businesses may even be getting a ton of traffic to their website(s), but still fall short when it comes actually converting these visitors into actual paying customers or genuine enquiries.

Rest assured, there is an answer to this. And it might even be easier than you’d expect… 

Here are 7 top tips to help your business turn leads into conversions:

1. Use calls-to-action (CTAs) that demand action

Thoughtful in placement and persuasive in nature, CTAs prompt users to interact with your site. Placing a CTA above the fold is best. It needs to be eye-catching but not obnoxious.

Using a variety of CTAs and monitoring the results can help you narrow down which are the most effective. Irresistible CTAs lead to more conversions, whether that’s sales, calls or email/newsletter sign-ups.

2. Have a simple, yet focused design

Good visuals are key to improving user engagement and experience on your website. Don’t lose conversions by producing overwhelming and difficult to navigate landing pages.

This goes hand-in-hand with making sure you have an effective, responsive web design. Boasting a design that works effortlessly across devices is becoming increasingly vital to achieving the conversions you need. 

Illustration of people building a website

3. Use contact forms and enable social media logins

Contact forms are the bridge between the user and your company, and you want to make crossing that bridge as easy as possible. The most important part of creating an effective contact form is making sure the form isn’t overly complicated. Signing up to a service (or completing contact forms) through social media login portals is becoming an increasingly popular practice. 

Adding in social media login features has been shown to help website sign up rates. According to research, 77% of people agreed that websites should offer social logins, with 65% of consumers saying that they would return to a website that automatically welcomes them through social login.

In addition to this, make sure you clearly state what it is exactly that you’ll be doing with their information. You must comply with GDPR, and these users need to be reassured that they can trust you with their information or they simply won’t give it to you.

4. Make your contact information easily visible

Making it easy for your customers to contact you on your website is, funnily enough, something that often gets missed.

So often, companies only include their contact information on their contact page. But what if people come through to your service landing page and want to call you then and there?

By making them have to click through to the contact page, and then find your information, you are making them work harder than necessary. And this is something to avoid in the world of conversion rate optimisation and user experience design.

This, once again, links to your responsive web design. Don’t forget about the difference in orientation for your mobile and tablet users!

And, whatever you do, don’t forget to respond to the people reaching out to you. Research shows that businesses that respond to enquiries within the first hour, often become the chosen supplier when it comes to tendering for projects.

5. Offer interesting content with a blog

Content is priceless. Having blog posts and articles on your website make sure that the user can see that you know what you’re talking about. Make sure to present yourself as someone to be trusted, providing well-written copy and engaging posts that only add to your appeal.

As a key aspect of marketing your company, blogging gives a personal experience to your users and allows them insight into how knowledgeable you are.

But don’t just churn out irrelevant content. Each post should have a purpose. After all, quality is better than quantity.

6. Improve your page speed

Page speed is a vital factor that is often overlooked. Slow pages can lead to huge losses of potential customers with research suggesting that 75% of all users bounce from a website if it takes three seconds or longer to load.

Not only does this affect people that are currently using your website, but future users too, as 40% of people admit that they’d complain about poor page speed to friends or family.

Illustration of a rocket taking off from a laptop

7. Don’t let your copy let you down

Make every word count. Your copy should be compelling. What solution are you offering that they cannot refuse? What are the benefits to your potential customers? 

Bridge the gap of trust by displaying reviews from trusted sources or alternatively, showcase testimonials or case studies that reinforce your credibility.


Where next?

There’s nothing here that’s too complicated to achieve. But it can be a lot to deal with for any business that finds themselves tight on time (which is pretty much all businesses, in our experience). 

If you need some outside help in ensuring that your website is converting, give us a call today and we’ll be on hand to help.

Richard O'Brien Head of Digital at Newicon

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